This one’s for all the dance parent’s, carers and guardians out there. I know first-hand how much dedication goes into ‘dance class’. From the age of 4, I went to dance class every Saturday, then took private lessons and from exams to shows to competitions and back around again. My Mum had to be there to pick me up, drop me off and everything in between.

After 14 years, I took the next step to full-time Professional training at Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts where I met my best friends and remain in touch with heaps of people who are still working in the live events industry today. I still say living in Liverpool was one of the best years of my whole life.

But “What was it all for?!” I hear you ask - to make friends? To keep kids off the streets? To instil really good posture? Honestly, having dance in my life was a very stable and organised system. I knew my routine and practised for the goals that were coming up quite methodically. It was an easy enough layout to follow and motivated me to dance, skip and prance along on a theatrical pathway from a young age.

If something wasn’t going right, I’d have to work a bit harder and god love my Mum, when another show costume or new pointe shoes had to be bought, she worked harder too. I never went without and for that I am a super grateful daughter.

YES, Dance is a huge commitment, not just through everyone’s time and efforts but you are essentially building a unique community for your children’s environment. What is true from a lot of alumni is that, if you’re a dance partner when you're little then you're a dance partner for life.

The Nicholson Academy, Manchester where it all began.

I have very recently got back in touch with my Dance Partner, Vicci and it is EXACTLY the same. We still make each other laugh and at the same time can reminisce over our shared experiences over the years. A Dance partner is a super special bond.

All of these collective experiences can help shape and mould a person for the rest of their life.

By this I mean, I have had to audition to get parts which equates to me having to go to job interviews.

I’ve had to adjust to being a taller dancer and being put at the back due to my height and recognising that it wasn’t due to my ability - it’s just the aesthetics of a choreographer’s routine.

Having a smooth attitude to quick changes (because we have all worn 3 types of leggings and had a dresser at the side of the stage ready to pounce when a zip needs pulling up/ down to get you back on that stage in 45 seconds).

Being able to break down something to it’s fundamental parts and teach others in a very short amount of time - this was during a set on Wilderness Mainstage last year in front of 15,000 people.

Dealing with stress, knockbacks and absolutely being able to express ourselves through body language has been a few of the advantages.

“Professor Mehrabian combined the statistical results of the two studies and came up with the now famous and famously misused rule that communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal. The non-verbal component was made up of body language (55 percent) and tone of voice (38 percent).”

QUOTE by Phillip Yaffe

Honestly, there’s a million reasons that having a dance lifestyle has helped me throughout the stages of adolescence, early-mid 20’s and even now I’ve hit the big milestone 30. I love to dance - it is a part of me.

Being confident and having some charisma can enhance the traits your child already has. They have a character of their own and a dance personality of their own. You being able to nurture young children in a creative outlet is in my opinion, one of the best choices you’ll make to create more complete human beings who can lead productive lives.

I was lucky enough to meet and make friends with other entrepreneurs at the beginning of this year. Starting the Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme, being confident in myself and as an artist had its perks. The connections I made from this course have been invaluable: One of these talented individuals I have been on this journey with is EbonyHer

Look at her latest blog for key tips and advice ....she exudes charisma and the interviews she has done so far have been inspiring, motivating and what seems to be effortless on her part.

Thanks for reading 🙂  and enjoy the little moments 🙂


Jess Royle Founder Waggle Dance Co Est.2020


Most Significant Change 2025 Copy 2



Joy Incoming - Waggle Dance Company



Thank you for your interest in Waggle Dance Co workshops with Jess.

Please contact us to begin the booking process either call +44 7955 335 653, Monday - Fridays 9- 5pm or fill in the form below and we will get back to you.

See you on the dance floor!

Waggle Dance Co - Dancing bee A
Waggle Dance Co - Dancing bee B