Waggle Dance Co provides storytelling & creative dance workshops. Our mission is to inspire, encourage & co-create with very young artists.
Designed for 5- 11 year olds ( KS1 + KS2 Pupils) we promote mental & physical wellbeing. The classes are an instrument of expression & communication.
We live in a world where children increasingly don't move enough throughout the day; this has a huge impact on both our emotional& physical wellbeing. We believe dance has a positive impact on a young person's development.
Motivating a lifetime of skills:
The Department of Health recommends that "children do at least 60 mins of physical activity everyday but well over 50% of the UK's children aged 5 - 15 years do not achieve this.
Our storytelling & creative movement sessions will contribute to healthier, happier & more engaged pupils.
Not only does exercise benefit our bodies but it also helps to increase brain power!
When can we book?
Get in touch to sync our calendars and we will confirm available dates ASAP.
How can schools book a dance workshop?
If you are the Head of School, Head of Department or a Teacher in a local primary school you can email me directly on hello@waggledanceco.co.uk
The Waggle Dance | Inside the Animal Mind
When Bees communicate they dance! The Waggle Dance is a bee Satnav. So when a Bee wants to tell the rest of the hive where to locate a food source, they perform a figure of eight dance . The waggle run will be specific to the direction of the flowers and the angle of the sun.
The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme
Enfield Enterprise E-business Support Programme
Thank you for your interest in Waggle Dance Co workshops with Jess.
Please contact us to begin the booking process either call +44 7955 335 653, Monday - Fridays 9- 5pm or fill in the form below and we will get back to you.
See you on the dance floor!